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Money, time & weather:

Currency converter

World telephone book (find anyone anywhere!)

Time converter (useful for those international calls!)

National holidays (all countries)

Measurement and units converter

Weather (worldwide - choose location, deg. C or F.)

Weather Hong Kong (detailed including typhoons etc.)

Try our links! We hope you find useful information here. Let us know if you notice any inactive or faulty links, or if you have any suggestions.

Travel & tourism information:

Hong Kong Airport (info. on flights, also links to all airlines)

Hong Kong hotels (hongkongnet.net)

HK Tourism Authority sitemap (avoids "Flash" intro.)

Lonely Planet - Hong Kong

LastMinute.com (check available flights, prices)

Hong Kong general info., what's on etc.

More links

Any suggestions? Need any information? Please contact us at chihongtoys@biznetvigator.com

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